Membership Requirements
• Adults who are members of an alternative subculture such as but not limited to: pan, heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, BDSMers,
Leather folk, transgender folk & others seeking a mutually supportive community.
• Adults who promote the practice of Safe Sane, and Consensual; Risk Aware Consensual Kink Activities; Personal Responsibility, Informed Consensual Kink.
• Adults who have not found a welcoming environment in traditional social organizations due to gender, sexual orientation or alternative life choice. This invitation does NOT mean to include, condone, advocate, in any form, involvement, or affiliation in or to any coercive, non-consensual sexual deviations or activities of criminal or immoral nature such as pedophilia, ephebophilia or bestiality.
• Adults who do not have criminal history involving violent, sexual or drug charges or convictions. A long history of repetitious charges will also be screened. We review public records to demonstrate measures to ensure the safety of our members, guests, and our reputation.
• Must be 18 years of age or older.
• Must present a valid government-issued photo identification card.
• Must support the general purposes of the organization.
• Must pay Member Dues.
• Must attend one (1) Formal Orientation each year.
• Must attend three (3) previous OPE events (meet-n-greet, classes, other social activities and/or have a known history of BDSM
community involvement (“known involvement/attendance as determined by the Board).
• Must comply with the Waiver of Liability, Non-Disclosure statement, & Privacy Statement.
• Must comply with the Confidentiality, Liability, Dress Code, Attendance & House Collar Policy.
Events other than Play Parties are OPEN unless otherwise specified. e.g. Game Night, Meet & Greets, Mid-Week, Classes, Coffee Social, Pervy Thursday, Kink Theatre, Little's Workshops, BDSM Discussion Group, & Hosted Parties.
Held on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month at 9:00 p.m.
Each applicant shall complete an application approved by the Board Members which shall include that the applicant agrees to abide by the Bylaws of the S-Corporation and any other Rules or Regulations adopted by the Board Members.
The application shall state the legal name, current address and age of the applicant.
The prospective member shall submit non-refundable dues payable for the current year with the application.
The Membership Year is a based on a calendar year after the acceptance of the membership. Membership Application annual dues are $35.00.
The Board Members will approve or deny membership applications or guest entry.
$35.00 per calendar year (Jan 1- Dec 31).
Mid-Year Membership: $25.00 Begins July 1-Dec 31.
Member Play Parties: $20.00 a person or $35.00 Couple.
Please email or contact us on Oklahoma Power Exchange with Membership in the subject line.